R for Research
A Companion for Statistical Analysis with R for Reproducible Research
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There are many books on R in the market. Yet, this is another book that is being written. You wonder, why. Here’s what I think about this book.
This book is specifically about using R for research in medical and clinical fields. Therefore, the examples in this book will be mostly if not all from the medical field.
This book is straight to the point and very specific without too much going into the nitty gritty of the technicality.
This book focuses on data analysis and report generation. As such, this book is particularly suitable for researchers in all fields, particularly in medical field.
Tools used in this book are the most modern and up to date. The old-style programming (base R style of coding has a steep learning curve whereas the new
suite of libraries have made this much easier and provides flexible framework for quick data analysis and producing publication quality graphics and tables.
Benefits of coding
In this book, I will be teaching how to do research using R and particularly by writing R codes. There will be no point and click interface like you see in some statistical software packages such as the SPSS. We will be writing codes all along and I will show you how easy it is and how beneficial it is to write codes instead of using point and click interface.
You might be thinking how writing code can beneficial when point and click is so easy.
The biggest benefit of wiring code, which is also the greates limitation of point and click facility is that what you do is completely reproducible.
By writing codes, you can easily try different things as data analysis involves a lot of trial and error and explorations. With a point and click facility, you cannot go one step back of your process if you make a mistake. Instead, you have to start from the beginning.
Your results are shareable with potential collaborators and also with the journals where you would submit your manuscript for publiccation. These days many journals ask for computer program to ensure reproduciblity.
Lets dive in to the wonderful tool to power your research!